User Experience (UX)
We often are given a chunk of data in Excel that we need to “drill down” into and explore.
If your personnel is provided with easy to use tools and access to data, they can be a great asset to a company’s success. OneVue’s appeal is not limited to any specific market and so the outline below describes the appeal our customers see when using OneVue.
When you generate a graph in a product like Excel the result is typically a static picture. I think the biggest appeal of OneVue is its ability to navigate the graph. This includes the ability to navigate time as well as vertical scale by zooming and panning similarly to how you would do on a map. This also includes the ability to navigate hundreds of signals by turning them on and off individually or by group.
Viewing your data in Excel is like sending someone to take a picture of an object for you and then when you realize the picture doesn’t show what you need, so you send them to take another picture. Viewing your data in OneVue is more like holding the object in your hand where you can rotate it and peel away its layers. In the latter case you’re more likely to discover something you didn’t know you were looking for.
Interactive Analysis
OneVue is very mouse friendly in letting you interact with the display. View the value of any point on the graph by just holding your mouse over it, click on a line to bring attention to it among other lines, drag a slider across the time line to see the values of all signals for any instant, drag a second slider to see statistics for all signals over any time period. And for more advanced analysis you can create virtual signals whose values are calculated based on complex formulas involving other signals.
In addition to being able to print the graph and tabular views, OneVue has a set of markup tools that allow you to annotate the graphical display to better communicate the story you are trying to tell. Data export tools are also available to extract just a specific portion of your data out to a separate file.
OneVue can view XLS, XLSX, and CSV files. The OneVue screens and menus adapt to 10 different languages. And it can open CSV files from countries that use different date and number formats (Excel can’t do that) and OneVue remembers all your graph settings so that they get restored whenever you return to that same excel or data file.